李 敏

单 位:02广安门医院
学 位:医学博士
邮 箱:
邮 编:100053
个人简介:[b]李敏,医学博士。 中国科学院广安门医院分子生物学实验室主任,研究员。中国中医科学院、长春中医药大学博士研究生导师。[/b]=10.5000pt中华中医药学会方药量效研究分会常务委员,世界中医药学会联合会内分泌专业委员会副会长。医促会糖尿病分会副主委。中华中医药学会精准医学分会委员。中国健康管理协会糖尿病防治与管理委员会副主任委员。世界中医药学会联合会态靶辨治专业委员会副会长(任期2022年7月-2027年7月)。
The efficacy of Chinese patent medicine intervention on blood glucose and lipid in prediabetes: A meta-analysis Heliyon 2022/12/1
Exploration of the mechanisms underlying the beneficial effect of Luo Tong formula on retinal function in diabetic rats via the “ gut microbiota– inflammation–retina” axis Chinese medicine 2022/12/1
Tongue coating microbiome reflects cardiovascular health and determines outcome in blood pressure intervention Journal of genetics and genomics 2023/1/2
Worldwide trends in prediabetes from 1985 to 2022: A bibliometric analysis using bibliometrix R-tool Frontiers In Public Health 2023/2/1
Efficacy and safety of traditional Chinese medicines combined with conventional Western medicines in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus: a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Frontiers In Endocrinology 2023/5/1
Key regulators of intestinal stem cells: diet, microbiota, and microbial metabolites J Genet Genomics 2022/12/1
Yiqi Tongluo Fang could preventive and delayed development and formation of diabetic retinopathy through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects Biomed Pharmacother 2022/4/1
疑难杂病证治·内分泌代谢性疾病 河南科学技术出版社
糖尿病前期治未病干预指南 中华中医药学会
实用中医内分泌代谢病学 中国中医药出版社
糖尿病中医诊疗体系重构与国际化推广 其他
代谢综合征的中医认识及整体治疗 国家科技进步奖
滋肾活血法治疗病态窦房结综合征传承创新与基础研究 省级科研奖励中国专利奖
The efficacy of Chinese patent medicine intervention on blood glucose and lipid in prediabetes: A meta-analysis Heliyon
Exploration of the mechanisms underlying the beneficial effect of Luo Tong formula on retinal function in diabetic rats via the “ gut microbiota– inflammation–retina” axis Chinese medicine
Tongue coating microbiome reflects cardiovascular health and determines outcome in blood pressure intervention Journal of genetics and genomics
Worldwide trends in prediabetes from 1985 to 2022: A bibliometric analysis using bibliometrix R-tool Frontiers In Public Health
Efficacy and safety of traditional Chinese medicines combined with conventional Western medicines in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus: a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Frontiers In Endocrinology
Key regulators of intestinal stem cells: diet, microbiota, and microbial metabolites J Genet Genomics
Yiqi Tongluo Fang could preventive and delayed development and formation of diabetic retinopathy through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects Biomed Pharmacother