单 位:06针灸研究所
学 位:医学博士
邮 箱:wanzhubaisy@hotmail.com
邮 编:100700
个人简介:86年毕业于辽宁中医学院, 93年获硕士学位,在针灸领域学习和工作15年。96年留学日本, 01年在日本新潟大学获医学博士学位,03年在日本三菱化学生命科学研究所完成博士后研究,同年受聘为日本理化研究所的研究员,在神经科学领域学习和工作13年,期间在神经科学和病毒学领域SCI源期刊发表论文12篇,其中[b][i]Cerebral Cortex[/i][/b]杂志的影响因子[b]8.665[/b]。08年,作为高级留学人才引进到针灸所从事针灸形态学研究,任腧穴结构研究室主任。7年来,以项目主持人申请并获得国家自然科学基金面上课题两项,优秀回国人员基金课题一项和院自主课题两项;作为科研骨干参与973课题两项。来针灸所以后发表了原创性SCI源期刊论文11篇。[b]主要研究成果:[/b]1)应用神经示踪技术解明了大鼠视神经生后形态发育的全过程;2)在国际上率先应用GFP转基因动物,阐明了神经组织移植后其神经回路重建的形态学过程,探明了大脑皮层发育关键期前后神经组织移植后的生长机制;3)建立了亲神经冠状病毒的大鼠感染模型,成功地揭示了其侵入、复制、及跨神经元传播的内在机制,同时阐明了神经胶质细胞及血源白细胞对感染神经元的免疫反应机制;4)进一步证实多种新一代神经示踪技术是研究经穴神经属性以及经穴和内脏相关联神经解剖学特征的有效手段之一。目前的研究轴心是应用神经解剖手段探讨经络学说中脏腑与体表经穴联系的形态学依据。今后的工作目标是从神经环路的角度实现针灸作用途径的可视化。
Acupuncture in Medicine 2018/9/19 上午12:00:00
J Vis Exp 2018/9/1 上午12:00:00
Neuroscience 2004/12/1 上午12:00:00
Cerebral Cortex 2006/12/1 上午12:00:00
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2013/10/1 上午12:00:00
Chin J Integr Med 2015/6/1 上午12:00:00
Acupunct Med 2015/10/1 上午12:00:00
J Chem Neuroanat 2015/8/1 上午12:00:00
Microscopy Research and Technique 2016/11/1 上午12:00:00
Differential innervation of tissues located at traditional acupuncture points in the rat forehead and face Acupuncture in Medicine 2018/9/19
Improving the Application of High Molecular Weight Biotinylated Dextran Amine for Thalamocortical Projection Tracing in the Rat J Vis Exp 2018/9/1
Chemically defined feedback connections from infragranular layers of sensory association cortices in the ra Neuroscience 2004/12/1
Role of the protomap and target-derived signals in the development of intrahemispheric connections Cerebral Cortex 2006/12/1
Specificity of sensory and motor neurons associated with BL40 and GB30 in the rat: a dual fluorescent labeling study Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2013/10/1
The expression of calcitonin gene-related peptide on the neurons associated Zusanli (ST 36) in rats Chin J Integr Med 2015/6/1
Neuroanatomical characteristics of deep and superficial needling using LI11 as an example Acupunct Med 2015/10/1
Local cutaneous nerve terminal and mast cell responses to manual acupuncture in acupoint LI4 area of the rats J Chem Neuroanat 2015/8/1
Anterograde and retrograde tracing with high molecular weight biotinylated dextran amine through thalamocortical and corticothalamic pathways Microscopy Research and Technique 2016/11/1
Acupuncture in Medicine 2018/9/19 上午12:00:00
J Vis Exp 2018/9/1 上午12:00:00
Neuroscience 2004/12/1 上午12:00:00
Cerebral Cortex 2006/12/1 上午12:00:00
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2013/10/1 上午12:00:00
Chin J Integr Med 2015/6/1 上午12:00:00
Acupunct Med 2015/10/1 上午12:00:00
J Chem Neuroanat 2015/8/1 上午12:00:00
Microscopy Research and Technique 2016/11/1 上午12:00:00
Differential innervation of tissues located at traditional acupuncture points in the rat forehead and face Acupuncture in Medicine
Improving the Application of High Molecular Weight Biotinylated Dextran Amine for Thalamocortical Projection Tracing in the Rat J Vis Exp
Chemically defined feedback connections from infragranular layers of sensory association cortices in the ra Neuroscience
Role of the protomap and target-derived signals in the development of intrahemispheric connections Cerebral Cortex
Specificity of sensory and motor neurons associated with BL40 and GB30 in the rat: a dual fluorescent labeling study Evid Based Complement Alternat Med
The expression of calcitonin gene-related peptide on the neurons associated Zusanli (ST 36) in rats Chin J Integr Med
Neuroanatomical characteristics of deep and superficial needling using LI11 as an example Acupunct Med
Local cutaneous nerve terminal and mast cell responses to manual acupuncture in acupoint LI4 area of the rats J Chem Neuroanat
Anterograde and retrograde tracing with high molecular weight biotinylated dextran amine through thalamocortical and corticothalamic pathways Microscopy Research and Technique