
单 位:12中药资源中心
学 位:医学博士
邮 箱:hspeng@126.com
邮 编:100007
个人简介:彭华胜,男,1975年6月出生,教授,博士,中药学专业博士生导师,中药学、生药学专业硕士生导师;“皖江学者”特聘教授,国家中医药管理局药用植物学重点学科带头人、国家线下一流课程《药用植物学》负责人、省“特支计划”创新领军人才,安徽省学术技术带头人,安徽省模范教师,安徽省教学名师。主要研究方向:中药资源与鉴定。 主持科研项目情况: [1]中央本级重大增减支项目(2060302),牯牛降国家自然保护区药用植物资源调查.201907-202312,150万,主持. [2]国家自然科学基金面上项目(81973432),何首乌块根“云锦花纹”类型与化学型及肝毒性关系研究.202001-202312,55万,主持.
Comprehensive Analysis of Agronomic Characters, Chemical Compounds, and Antioxidant Activity in Chaenomeles Fruits at Different Developmental Stages Pharmacognosy Magazine 2022/1/1
Colour, chemical compounds, and antioxidant capacity of Astragali Radix based on untargeted metabolomics and targeted quantification PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS 2022/1/1
Comparative analysis in different organs and tissue-specific metabolite profiling of Atractylodes lancea from four regions by GC-MS and laser microdissection JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE 2021/12/1
Comparative Elucidation of Age, Diameter, and “Pockmarks” in Roots of Paeonia lactiflora Pall. (Shaoyao) by Qualitative and Quantitative Methods Frontiers in Plant Science 2022/1/1
An Evaluation of Traits, Nutritional, and Medicinal Component Quality of Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua and P. sibiricum Red. Frontiers in Plant Science 2022/4/1
安徽省药用植物地理分布新记录 中国现代中药 2022/1/1
黄精的品质评价及其“辨状论质”考 中药材 2022/1/1
《本草图经》中涉及今浙江省的州军冠名药图考 中华医史杂志 2022/5/1
《本草图经》草部、木部的药图类型初探 中华医史杂志 2022/1/1
清宫茯神与茯神木药材文物性状鉴定及史料分析 中华医史杂志 2022/3/1
《本草图经》中涉及江苏省区域的州军府地名药图考 中国实验方剂学 2021/11/1
大别山区近40年植物新分类群及其药用价值分析 中华中医药杂志 2021/11/1
Aconitum anhuiensis sp. nov. (Ranunculaceae), a new species from Anhui, China Nordic Journal of Botany 2021/11/1
Untargeted Metabolomics and Targeted Quantitative Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Variations in Specialized Metabolites Accumulation in Poria cocos (Schw.) Wolf (Fushen) Frontiers in Plant Science 2021/9/1
药用植物学显微实验 中国科学技术大学出版社
《大别山区中药材生产加工适宜技术》 中国医药科技出版社
药用植物显微图鉴 福建科学技术出版社
“实地-实物-动态”三位一体的药用植物实践能力体系的创建与应用 其他
皖东南道地药材种质资源保护与产业化应用 其他
安徽5种药食两用中药的种质资源保护、规范化种植及产业化应用 其他
皖药资源保护与持续利用体系构建及产业化应用 中华中医药学会科学技术奖
Comprehensive Analysis of Agronomic Characters, Chemical Compounds, and Antioxidant Activity in Chaenomeles Fruits at Different Developmental Stages Pharmacognosy Magazine
Colour, chemical compounds, and antioxidant capacity of Astragali Radix based on untargeted metabolomics and targeted quantification PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS
Comparative analysis in different organs and tissue-specific metabolite profiling of Atractylodes lancea from four regions by GC-MS and laser microdissection JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE
Comparative Elucidation of Age, Diameter, and “Pockmarks” in Roots of Paeonia lactiflora Pall. (Shaoyao) by Qualitative and Quantitative Methods Frontiers in Plant Science
An Evaluation of Traits, Nutritional, and Medicinal Component Quality of Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua and P. sibiricum Red. Frontiers in Plant Science
安徽省药用植物地理分布新记录 中国现代中药
黄精的品质评价及其“辨状论质”考 中药材
《本草图经》中涉及今浙江省的州军冠名药图考 中华医史杂志
《本草图经》草部、木部的药图类型初探 中华医史杂志
清宫茯神与茯神木药材文物性状鉴定及史料分析 中华医史杂志
《本草图经》中涉及江苏省区域的州军府地名药图考 中国实验方剂学
大别山区近40年植物新分类群及其药用价值分析 中华中医药杂志
Aconitum anhuiensis sp. nov. (Ranunculaceae), a new species from Anhui, China Nordic Journal of Botany
Untargeted Metabolomics and Targeted Quantitative Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Variations in Specialized Metabolites Accumulation in Poria cocos (Schw.) Wolf (Fushen) Frontiers in Plant Science