郭 明

单 位:01西苑医院
学 位:医学博士
邮 箱:547453202@qq.com
邮 编:100091
个人简介:郭明,男,医学博士,硕士生导师,临床擅长中西医结合疗法防治心血管疾病,特别对难治性心绞痛、冠脉介入术后心脏康复、高血压、心律失常等疾病积累了较为丰富的经验。 主要研究领域为糖尿病合并冠脉动脉微循环的中西医结合临床转化研究,作为项目负责人主持国家自然基金委青年项目1项、面上项目1项、中国中医科学院优秀青年项目2项,并参与科技部国家重点研发计划项目子课题等国家级、省部级课题5项,获得中西医结合学会一等奖1项。第一作者或通讯作者共发表论文30余篇,其中SCI 20篇,总影响因子90,单篇最高影响因子10.3。发表杂志包括:Pharmacological Research、Frontiers in cardiovascular Medicine、JAHA、Nutrition research、Thrombosis and Haemostasis等。为Frontiers in pharmacology、Phytomedicine、Plos one、International journal of Cardiology等杂志审稿,受邀担任Frontiers in pharmacology的客座主编,参与编写专注1部。
活血解毒中药对急性冠脉综合征患者介入术后炎症标记物和血脂的影响 北京中医药大学学报 2018/3/1
Efficacy and Safety of Shenqisuxin Granule for Non-ST-segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome: Study Protocol for a Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Trial Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 2022/6/9
Role and Mechanism of PKC-δ for Cardiovascular Disease: Current Status and Perspective Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 2022/2/15
Empagliflozin in patients with heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 2021/8/1
The roles of PKC-δ and PKC-ε in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury Pharmacological Research 2021/8/1
Panax Quinquefolium Saponins Attenuate Myocardial Dysfunction Induced by Chronic Ischemia Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 2018/6/6
Xinyue capsule in patients with stable coronary artery disease after percutaneous coronary intervention: a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trial Pharmacological Research 2020/8/1
益气活血中药改善急性冠脉综合征介入后患者预后的系统研究 中国中西医结合学会科技进步奖
活血解毒中药对急性冠脉综合征患者介入术后炎症标记物和血脂的影响 北京中医药大学学报
Efficacy and Safety of Shenqisuxin Granule for Non-ST-segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome: Study Protocol for a Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Trial Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Role and Mechanism of PKC-δ for Cardiovascular Disease: Current Status and Perspective Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Empagliflozin in patients with heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
The roles of PKC-δ and PKC-ε in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury Pharmacological Research
Panax Quinquefolium Saponins Attenuate Myocardial Dysfunction Induced by Chronic Ischemia Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry
Xinyue capsule in patients with stable coronary artery disease after percutaneous coronary intervention: a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trial Pharmacological Research